Upgrade your account to Level 2!

Gain access to more features
when you upgrade.



  • After you install and register to Starpay, click on the menu button on the upper left corner of the app
  • Tap on “Upgrade User Level”
    • Tap on the “+Upload Selfie” button.
    • Click on the “” once done.
      For faster validation of your Upgrade Level Request, make sure that your whole face and neck is visible in your selfie
  2. ADD I.D.
    • Tap on the “+Upload I.D.” button. Click on the “” once done.
      – Make sure you take a picture of your physical I.D. Picture of photocopied ID and digital copy (photo of an ID in a computer screen) is not acceptable.
      – Make sure that you take a top shot photo of your I.D.
      – Make sure all information in your I.D. is visible in the photo you sent.
    • Fill up all fields, and then tap “Continue”
    • Enter your permanent and present address.
    • Fill in all required fields, and tap “Continue”.
      – Make sure that the address in your I.D. and your permanent / present address is the same.
    • Final Step! Enter additional information and then tap on “Submit”
      – Make sure all information is correct to avoid delays  and inconvenience.
    • Kindly wait for Update Level validation. This may take a while.
    • Tap on the “+Upload Selfie” button.
    • Click on the “” once done.
      For faster validation of your Upgrade Level Request, make sure that your whole face and neck is visible in your selfie
  2. ADD I.D.
    • Tap on the “+Upload I.D.” button. Click on the “” once done.
      – Make sure you take a picture of your physical I.D. Picture of photocopied ID and digital copy (photo of an ID in a computer screen) is not acceptable.
      – Make sure that you take a top shot photo of your I.D.
      – Make sure all information in your I.D. is visible in the photo you sent.
    • Fill up all fields, and then tap “Continue”
    • Enter your permanent and present address.
    • Fill in all required fields, and tap “Continue”.
      – Make sure that the address in your I.D. and your permanent / present address is the same.
    • Final Step! Enter additional information and then tap on “Submit”
      – Make sure all information is correct to avoid delays  and inconvenience.Make sure all information is correct to avoid delays and inconvenience.
    • Kindly wait for Update Level validation. This may take a while.
Click to access the login or register cheese